

  1. Possumfolk
  2. Raccoonfolk
  3. Humans
  4. Vaihdosi
  5. Orcs


Possums stand usually no taller than 3-4 feet, and come from the central woodland region of Ea (also known as Possum Country). Their native language is Possumtalk, but as they have begun to live on the outskirts of cities, many also speak Common. Possums' patron deity is Kekko, who granted them a special affinity for music and its associated magics. Most Sanktopeper are Possums.

Possum Names: Gilsandra, Urmingel, Yennen, Kassandra, Gilpeper, Brohektor, Ikrotarsal


Ability Scores: Your Dexterity and Charisma scores increase by 1. 

Age: Possums generally live about 60 years.

Size: Possums are about 3 ft tall and are size Small.

Speed: 30

Languages: Common, Possumtalk, and one other of choice.

Playing Possum: Once per day, Possums may feign death so convincingly that their enemies must make a DC 12 Wisdom save in order to attack them. Enemies must make a Wisdom save every time they attempt to attack until they succeed.

Signature Class: Bard (Sanktapeper)


Often called the brethren of Possumfolk, raccoons were created by Kekko's prankster of a brother, Rahuma, for a joke. Unlike possums, who are known for their music, raccoons like to tell jokes and play pranks. Since the First Landing, most raccoons tend to live at the outskirts of Human and Vaihdosi settlements, where they are largely ignored (or sometimes feared) by the human population. As a result, raccoons mainly speak Common and Possum Creole. Most Wastewrights are Raccoons.

Raccoon Names: Urka, Milner, Salko, Tiber, Relka, Craig


Ability Scores: Dexterity score increases by 2.

Age: Raccons generally live about 60 years.

Size:  Raccons are about 3 ft tall and are size Small.

Speed: 30

Languages: Common and one other of choice.

Tinkerer: Gain proficiency with an artisan toolset (smith, brewer, or mason).

Natural Resistance: Raccoons' varied diet of foraged plants, bugs, and especially trash grants them advantage on saving throws against poison, and they are immune to foodborne illness.

Signature Class: Artificer (Wastewright)


Humans came to Ea 900 years ago, fleeing from an unknown disaster in ships whose technological genius has yet to be matched. Any record of their original homeland, or what happened to it, has been lost. The humans made a strong impression when they first arrived in Ea, wielding advanced weapons and carving a bloody path down the west coast known as the Bloodroad. Now, humans live in relative harmony with the other peoples of Ea, though their settlements are still referred to as the "Colonies" by the locals. Most Gunslingers are human, due the their penchant for experimentation and engineering.

Human Names (Eastern; Western): Helda, Fiktor, Yeva, Ilya, Erin, Toly, Alis; Erick, Lilia, Harald, Yvonne, Hershal, Niall, Ole, Tara.

Human Family Names (Eastern; Western): Afyeva, Aliskin, Oretsev, Aksenko, Afilya; Breakheart, Laybrick, Sendspell, Turnpot, Fiddlewit, Erickin


Ability Scores: Increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two scores by 1.

Age: Humans generally live about 80 years.

Size: Human' height generally ranges from less than 5 to over 6 ft. and they are size Medium.

Speed: 30

Languages: Common and one other of choice.

Builder: Having a natural predisposition to architecture and engineering, Humans are proficient in Tinker's Tools.

Signature Class: Artificer (Gunslinger)


Vaihdosi, also known as the Bear Elves, have the outward appearance of Humans, but they have resided in Ea for far longer. They were given bearskin cloaks by their creator, Ynik, which endowed them with the ability to change their shape to blend in with the woodland environment or become formidable hunters. Northern Vaihdos, also known as the Ice Vaihdos for their white cloaks, fought in the Vaihdosi-Orc Wars. The Sun Vaihdos, with their brown cloaks, live in the south, where they hunt, but also practice agriculture, among the first to do so in Ea. Their native language is Vaihdosi, which is now only spoken in the North. Most Dreeh are Vaihdosi.

Vaihdos Names: Roshim, Len, Taig, Gedah, Orlah, Huya, Ferlik, Parik

Vaihdos Clan Names: Teramaah, Ifernaan, Tuliymaah, Uydey


Ability Scores: (See subraces)

Age: Vaihdos generally live about 120 years.

Size: Vaihdos' height generally ranges from 5-7 ft. and they are size Medium.

Speed: 30

Languages: Common, Vaihdos, and one other of choice.

Darkvision: As hunters navigating winter tundra and dimly lit forests, Vaihdos developed the ability to see even in darkness.

Signature Class: Druid (Dreeh)


Ice Vaihdos: Constitution score increases by 2.

Sun Vaihdos: Wisdom score increases by 2.


The orcs are a relatively recent arrival in Ea, though their god, Jora, has resided there for much longer. The first orcs were raised from the bones of slain whales, whom their god is patron of, to fight against the Vaihdos and end the whale-hunting. This also granted them the ability to spend long periods of time underwater, lying in wait to ambush unsuspecting Vaihdosi whale-hunters, and they also have a special dialect of their language for speaking underwater. However, many orcs now speak Vaihdosi or Human as well. The conflict with the Vaihdos came to a head in the Vaihdosi-Orc wars, from which they emerged victorious. Most Whaleguards are Orcs.

Orcish Names: Isamu, Torhul, Kumil, Uydey, Lalah, Okihbi, Eris, Malarik

Orcish Clan Names: Aikonen, Walkala, Mattonen, Erdan


Ability Scores: Constitution and Intelligence scores increase by 1.

Age: Orcs generally live about 100 years.

Size: Orcs' height generally ranges from 5-7 ft. and they are size Medium.

Speed: 30

Languages: Common, Vaihdos, and Orcas.

Blindsight: Little light reaches the depths of the oceans, so the whale god Jora granted his creations the ability to use sound to navigate their surroundings.

Natural Swimmer: Orcs receive no movement penalty in water unless wearing medium or heavy armor, and can hold their breath for 15 minutes.

Signature Class: Paladin (Whaleguard)

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